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Sound of a womanSound of a woman
/ Рассказы

Sound of a woman


Sound of a woman
Do you know the sound of a woman?
The sound, not a tone of a voice
The moment you see her
A warm and soft glow wraps you around

The sound that radiates electrical waves
And startles every inch of your skin
The sound that blinds your consciousness
And crosses the universe to hit your heart.

Do you know the sound of a woman?
In her hesitating posture when decisions are made
Diffidence that hides her dominant role
An iron hand in a red suede glove

The sound like an intimate murmur 
To attract you to her darkest side
The sound that soothes your nerves
Before you fall into a desired trap

Do you know the sound of a woman?
Do you want to go deeper into her shades?

Beware, a woman—is a heart lock with multiple keys.



One room city

This city becomes smaller and smaller
and there is no place where we can hide,
not a single cell for an unbound couple
no cushion, bed for us to rest on.

This city is a jealous mother
whose supervision never ceases.

Her eyes are every fallen leaf,
her ears – keen gusts of the wind.
We could explode with million feelings,
each as intense as nature in spring.
Taking the lead in decomposition
of a destructive “self-denial” role.
So we can escape from the cloying city
away, towards undiscovered paths.
Or we can sew transparent coats
that will reflect toxic critiques.  

L. Salayeva

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